Titanpointe 2024, Alpha and Omega c2019, Ezekiel’s Loose Wheel c2022, Apes and Aliens c2011, Alien Vengeance c2013, Alien Vengeance: Raising Cain c2013, The X Files: The Grey Zone c2010, Meteorite c2010, Terra Vista c1989, Trillions c2022

After the first colonies on Mars expanded and discovered water while boring deep under the martian surface, a resilient organism was revealed. The distress signal was intercepted by NSA’s Titanpointe spy surveillance facility in NYC and suppressed. The insidious extraterrestrial organism survived, infected the crew and was inadvertently transported back to earth where it proliferated […]

The Six Billion Dollar Man c2022, The Bang Bang Boys c2022, Chinatown Tequila c2022, KickAss Kasino c2022, The Substantiator c2022, Dentinator c2004, Bond Jane Bond c2013, You Can’t Take It With You c 2013, Catch 22 c2013

Following a near fatal spacecraft crash, Steve Austin is rebuilt from the ground up in a series of experimental surgeries including Neuralink AI and extreme bionics. The government spared no expense building him back better, stronger, more resilient to tackle global terrorist threats and injustices. https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B081M9Y1J9 https://www.facebook.com/caltexpress/videos/640488314227389 While RVing in Texas, the Six Billion Dollar […]

Sweet Tooth c2024, Cravings, c2009, Lacryma Cristi c2015, Stemwinder c2006, Fantastic Voyage c2010, Zombie Street c2022, Deadly Implant c1990, The Mansion of Dr M c2022, Project MKCaper c2003, Not A Drop c1992, Titanpointe c2024

Nothing short of a miracle can save a struggling small town hit hard during the recession and the festive holiday season. A CEO’s car breaks down fortuitously not far from a chocolate plant slated to close before Christmas to make way for a new golf course condo development. Can she miraculously kill two birds with […]

The Hearsemen c2023 , Switchblade c2023 , Now You See Me 3 c2023, The Great Museum Heist c2013, Golden Mask c1992, Pirates of the Deep Web c2022, Spearphish c2011, The Privateers c2013, Power Heist c2023

The Hearsemen c2023 The world renown magical ensemble The Hearsemen ascertain the identity of a ruthless oligarch intent on eradicating them. They turn the tables in their most daring death defying stunts eliminating their nemesis and expose the greed, corporate corruption, extortion, money laundering, misguided government policies, peddling political influence with ties all the way […]